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Are you looking to send your staff on a day of volunteering and team building?
At the GSPCA we can offer businesses and groups a day of organised activities that helps benefit us as a charity, the animals in our care and give your team an experience like no other where at the end of their time at the Shelter they will leave knowing that they have made a difference.
What we ask is that you get in touch to register and arrange a date, the group fill in a few simple forms before arrival, we get a list of names, they can be on site before 9am and are willing to help for a full day.
The day would start with a short introduction and safety brief and is followed by breaking the group into smaller teams to help the staff around site.
There are a wide selection or ways you or your business can help and we always love to hear from those that would like to chat whether it be a group day or an individual placement, half a day or a full day every month, a week or even a month any help is much appreciated.
Some of the tasks that the group can get involved with are –
Grounds work –
such as keeping the site clean and tidy,
mucking out horses and donkeys if we have any,
cutting the lawn and hedges,
tidying around the pond,
tidying around the 4 acre site,
maintenance and more
Animal Care –
helping clean out the domestic animals,
caring for the wild animals,
hand rearing,
walking and socialising the dogs, cats, rabbits and other species on site,
repairing and maintaining enclosures
Reception / Administration –
helping on the reception desk
helping with administration duties.
The day includes a morning and afternoon break as well as an hour for lunch. The Shelter will provide tea and coffee during breaks and there a small selection of snacks available for sale but a packed lunch will need to be brought.
From time to time we also have projects that need group involvement such as building aviaries or rabbit runs, digging ponds or landscaping areas. We also have major fund raising days and events through the year where help is very much appreciated. The main one’s this year are –
February - GSPCA Purple Week to celebrate the GSPCA's birthday
April 4th - World Animal Stray Day
April - GSPCA Cupcake Week
June - Summer Fayre and Dog Show
June - A stall at Chaos, Pleinmont Point - volunteers need to help
August South Show GSPCA Stall - volunteers needed to help with the stand
August West Show GSPCA Stall - volunteers needed to help with the stand
August Donkey Derby GSPCA Stall - volunteers needed to help with the stand
August North Show GSPCA stall - volunteers needed to help with the stand
GSPCA Flag Day August 23rd - we are looking for volunteers to help make this the biggest and best flag day the GSPCA has held
Sunday in September - Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday - click here for more details.
4th October - World Animal Day - more details to follow
October -Animal Castle Day - Castle Cornet
To see some of the projects we are looking for funding and help for please visit - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/our-plans-wish-list
Other ways your business could help please visit - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/how-your-business-can-help-gspca-corporate-sponsorship
For more details or if your business would like to sponsor, fund raise or donate to the GSPCA please contact [email protected] call the Shelter on 01481 257261 or click here.