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There are many ways in which your business can get involved with supporting the GSPCA and it provides an excellent opportunity for companies to reach out to animal lovers and find an audience that believes deeply in Animal Welfare.
There are many ways to get involved and sponsorship opportunities are available and can be tailored to fit the joint needs and focus of both your company and the GSPCA.
From corporate volunteering opportunities and employee fundraising to sales promotions and sponsorship, there are great opportunities for you and your company to create a mutually beneficial partnership with the GSPCA.
Why choose the GSPCA?
By forming a partnership with the GSPCA your business can provide huge benefits to you and your company including:
- Increasing staff AND customer loyalty when associating with only all Animal Welfare organisation in Guernsey.
- It gives you and your colleagues the opportunity to gain a great sense of pride and achievement through life-changing fundraising challenges.
- Getting your colleagues motivated at work and feeling inspired by giving something good back to society.
- Helping your company achieve CSR objectives and providing engaging content for CSR reports.
- Increasing staff enthusiasm by your company working with such a passionate organisation as the GSPCA and in turn potentially reducing staff turnover.
We need YOU to help us become your company’s charity of choice!
Please nominate the GSPCA
If your company has a charity of the year programme, why not speak to your company’s charity committee about how to make the GSPCA your charity of choice?
You may be asked by your company to vote for a charity or choose your favourite charity to be on a shortlist. We totally rely on YOU to please put the GSPCA on that list!
By making the GSPCA your company’s charity of choice you will also benefit from being associated with only all Animal Welfare organisation in Guernsey.
If you want more information on how you can help the GSPCA become your charity of choice or charity of the year get in touch with Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager [email protected]
Become an exclusive Build Partner
The Build Partner programme is designed to meet the building costs associated with our new £900,000 proposed Wildlife Hospital. The building is to replace five existing structures that have become unusable with age.
Our new building incorporates a huge array of wildlife facilities for birds to seals, hedgehogs to other mammals, while also providing logistical and organisational spaces and facilities for the day to day running of the GSPCA.
To find out more please click here.
If you are a retailer or manufacturer and would like to develop products with us, then please do get in touch.
At the GSPCA we have a range of logo’d goods, collection boxes and counter boxes. If you or your business is interested in helping raise funds through these for the Shelter please email [email protected]
Sponsorship of Events
Maybe your business would like to Sponsor all or part of a GSPCA event? The major annual events we hold each year are –
We hold monthly Bingo Nights at the MArket Bistro
GSPCA Purple Week – February
GSPCA Mafia Ball - February
Big Fun Family Lunch - March
Easter Fayre
World Stray Day – April 4th
Summer Fair & Dog Show – June/July
Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday – September
GSPCA Animal Awards – Autumn
World Animal Day – 4th October
GSPCA Ball - November
<p>As we mentioned last month it is a hat-trick from <strong><em><a href="http://richmondgroup.uk.com/" target="_blank">Richmond Fiduciary Group</a></em></strong> who have spent a third year helping out at the GSPCA.</p><p>Each year since 2012 staff from <strong><em><a href="http://richmondgroup.uk.com/" target="_blank">Richmond Fiduciary Group</a></em></strong> have given a day from their desk to come up and help clean out, feed, exercise and get involved with all sorts of work at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.</p><p>Mike Good, Jo Falla, Natalie Le Ray, Katie Read and Jacques McKeneary came and helped last month and on Monday of this week Kelly Roger and Chrissie Rabey spent a day volunteering at the GSPCA.</p><p>Both Chrissie and Kelly had helped at the Shelter previously so after a very quick induction to refresh the safety procedures the <strong><em><a href="http://richmondgroup.uk.com/" target="_blank">Richmond Fiduciary Group</a></em></strong> staff had their picture together at the front of the GSPCA with GSPCA Managers family dogs Katie and Toby, before getting involved with their first job scrubbing out the pool where 'Blue' the gannet has been rehabilitated.</p><p>Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "It was great to see Mike, Jo, Natalie, Katie and Jacques once again from <strong><em><a href="http://richmondgroup.uk.com/" target="_blank">Richmond Fiduciary Group</a></em></strong> last month and also Chrissie and Kelly who did an amazing job on Monday from scrubbing the pool to cleaning out the hedgehogs."</p><p>"In the last three years we have been building some fantastic relationships through CSR with local businesses and without doubt the hat-trick <strong><em><a href="http://richmondgroup.uk.com/" target="_blank">Richmond Fiduciary Group</a></em></strong> are one of the loveliest teams that support us here at the GSPCA."</p><p>"It is always wonderful to hear from businesses that would really like to help or support us at the GSPCA, as we really do make a huge difference every day helping save animals lives and supporting the community."</p><p>"To find out more you can call 257261 for details, check out our <a href="http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/how-your-business-can-help-gspca-corporate-sponsorship" target="_blank">website </a>or email me on <a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a>."</p><p>"A huge thank you to the everyone from <strong><em><a href="http://richmondgroup.uk.com/" target="_blank">Richmond Fiduciary Group</a></em></strong> who for the third year were a fantastic help." </p><p>To find out how your business could help us at the GSPCA <a href="http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/how-your-business-can-help-gspca-corporate-sponsorship" target="_blank">please click here.</a></p><p>Our next Volunteer Induction Evening is on Wednesday 22nd October and for details <a href="http://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/volunteer-induction-evening-wednesday-22nd-october-630pm" target="_blank">please click here.</a></p>
Santa Paws Walk & Christmas Fayre
By sponsoring one of these events we can include your business in promotional material, our supporters newsletter, and online with our web site and social media.
Each year we also look for local businesses to Sponsor runners for the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday Giant Animal Mascot Race and for more details please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/animal-welfare-sea-front-sunday
CSR Volunteering
Whether an individual or a group, here at the GSPCA we can provide CSR opportunities for you and your team to help out at the Animal Shelter.
From individual projects to the daily work, events to administration there is something for everyone.
To find out more please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/corporate-and-group-days
Many of the volunteers that have helped through their work place have continued to volunteer at the Shelter during their days off and we are very thankful to them for their support.
If your business has skills or expertise in a particular field and you would like to donate time or resources we would love to hear from you.
There are many ways to raise funds for the GSPCA in the work place. From dress down days to dress up days, issue GSPCA pens to staff to a sponsored event, selling cupcakes for break to a sponsored silence for those chatty staff members…..
If you have a great idea please let us know or have a look at others and download a sponsorship form by going to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/fundraising
Wish List & Plans
Maybe your business would like to sponsor something specific to the GSPCA. We have an ongoing page dedicated to much needed items and appeals and you can see these by going to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/our-plans-wish-list
As a charity we are made up of members who pay £10 a year to support the work of the GSPCA and for this they receive a number of benefits including a quarterly newsletter.
If your business wanted to join the GSPCA of behalf of your team and be part of the leading animal charity in Guernsey and receive updates and copies of the quarterly newsletter then please contact [email protected]
Newsletter & Advertising
We are looking for a sponsor for our quarterly newsletter. If you are interested please email [email protected]
We would also like to hear from you if you would like to join us in sponsoring advertising for animals in need of homes or campaigns.
Become an ANGEL
ANGEL is the newly launched animal pen and section sponsorship scheme and if your business is interested in having your business featured on the ANGEL Sponsorship Board in our main car park and help directly towards the many animals in our care please contact [email protected]
To see details on the scheme please go to – http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/angel-sponsorship-scheme-animals-needing-guernseys-everlasting-love
Talks and Training
If your business would like a talk about the work of the GSPCA or potentially have training needs then please get in touch.
To find out a little about our education programme please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/services/education-and-schools
If your business would like a guided tour of the Shelter then for a donation we can arrange a member of staff to show you around the facilities and talk about the hundreds of animals in our care.
If you would like to discuss how your business can help support the GSPCA then please contact GSPCA Manager Mr Steve Byrne on 01481 257261 or email [email protected]