Submitted by Steve on 15:33, 13th Feb, 2019 | 0

This Friday after many months of work, countless volunteers, supporters and businesses, amazing donations and support the GSPCA will officially open the new Chapel of Rest and revamped Memorial Garden.

Every year the GSPCA helps over 1000 pet owners through the loss and death of their beloved pets and thanks to so many there is now a lovely area to help pet owners through this difficult time at the GSPCA.

The new Chapel of Rest is an area where those that want to spend the last moments with their pet can do so and is a private area with an altar so that grieving owners can have some private moments at what is always a difficult time.

The Memorial Garden is a wonderful area which so many have helped create. From the Work to Benefit team to the amazing Ann Wragg there have been a wide range of groups and helpers that have helped with the grounds work and incredible donations.

One of the biggest supports has been Le Friquet Garden Centre who have helped with thousands of pounds worth of plants and other items to help develop what we have today.

Staff from Le Friquet Garden Centre will be officially opening the Chapel of Rest and Memorial Garden which takes place on the last day of #GSPCAPurpleWeek celebrating 146 years since the GSPCA was founded.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are incredibly excited to be opening our Chapel of Rest and Memorial Garden this Friday at 2.30pm.”

“The number of people, businesses and groups that have helped us create what we now have for bereaved pet owners is incredible and words really do not justify the thanks we wish to convey to all that have helped in anyway.”

“We help over 1000 pet owners every year in Guernsey through the death of their pets as we provide a cremation service as well as helping over 200 road traffic accident animals every year and the team at the GSPCA strive to ensure we do our very best for each family through what is always a difficult time.”

“Hopefully these areas will help those that come to us have a quiet space at the GSPCA and the Chapel is a lovely area where those wanting to spend the last moments with their beloved pet can do so and they are welcome to share that area with their family and friends before their pets are cremated or they take them home to be buried, as if having a ceremony if they wish to do so.”

“We all know at the GSPCA how hard it is when a much loved pet is no longer with us and we really hope these areas will help those during these difficult times.”

“Staff from Le Friquet Garden Centre will officially open the Chapel of Rest and Memorial Garden at 2.30pm on Friday and all are welcome which is a lovely way to celebrate the last day of #GSPCAPurpleWeek .”

“We will have some refreshments for those attending and will share a number of words of thanks.”

“There are areas at the GSPCA that you can view animals for a minimum donation of £2 but this area will not require a visitor ticket as we want to support bereaved pet owners during that difficult time.”

“We are looking at heart shaped plaques for pet owners to remember their pets in the Memorial Garden and will have further details very soon.”

To visit the Guernsey Bereavement Service website please go to

To see the GSPCA page on helping bereaved pet owners please click here

To get involved with GSPCA Purple Week and help us help those in need taking place between the 8th and 15th February.

You can donate via our page or create your own sponsored event or challenge -

To donate to Mambo, Sealia, Gully, Andy and Marty the seal pups please visit - or

To donate to help Harley the staffys life saving operations Just Giving page please visit -

To visit the Just Giving page raising funds for life saving Intensive Care Units please visit or to buy one directly for the Shelter please visit

To become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor please visit -

To download a Corporate Angel Pen Pal form please click here  

To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here -

To learn about the ‘Buy a Brick’ in the new Wildlife Hospital and find out more please click here -

To learn more about our biggest project, become an Exclusive Build Partner and support our Wildlife Hospital please visit

To donate to the animals in our care another via our paypal page -   

If you would like to help at one of our upcoming events please give Michelle a call on 257261 or email [email protected]

To see some of the animals looking for homes at the GSPCA please visit –

Another way to support us is our on site Charity Shop and refreshment area and to find out more please visit -

If your group or business would like to find out about spending a day at the Shelter please go to -

For other ways your business can help us here at the GSPCA please go to -

On Tuesday 5th March we have a volunteer induction evening and for more information and additional induction dates please visit or call 257261

To see our upcoming guided tours please visit -

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For lots more ideas on how you can support the shelter and the animals in our care then please visit our fundraising page

To find out more on trips, talks and our education work please email [email protected] or call 01481 257261




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