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On Sunday the 21st July between 2 and 4pm staff from the Insurance Corporation are running a Family Carboot Sale at Specsavers Car Park to raise funds for the GSPCA and the many animals at the Shelter.
The day will run with an animal theme and there will be plenty to do and see.
Sellers are asked to arrive from 1pm and it is £5 per car.
On the day there will be mini donuts, cakes, animal balloons, face painting and a fancy dress competition (that's humans dressed as animals).
La Société Guernesiaise - Tuesday July 9th, 7.30pm in the Frossard Theatre, Candie - “Simply Bees” by Brigit Strawbridge of TV series “It’s Not Easy Being Green."
Brigit will be covering the difference between honeybees, solitary bees and bumblebees, their life-cycles and different roles as pollinators, the reasons for their decline and what we can do to help.
The talk is free to Société members and £5 to non-members.
The GSPCA is asking to please be mindful of broken glass after a number of cats have been reported to be injured.
Although it is not clear of the exact location of where the incidents occurred, the GSPCA are asking land owners to please ensure that broken glass is disposed safely to help wildlife and other animals.
Vets often see animals injured by glass and during the Spring and Summer months more animals are out and about and therefore at risk.
The two most recent cats reported both needed stitches but thankfully are now back to health.
Last Friday as part of their Service to the Community Day 22 students and 2 teachers from Blanchelande College spent the day at the GSPCA Animal Shelter.
From running a Coffee Morning to Cake Sale, Bric-a-brac Sale to walking dogs, cleaning out the seal room to washing out pools, and not to mention a very important job.......
You may remember back in March Clinton Millard appealed for sponsors towards his climb of Kilimanjaro earlier this year.
He was raising funds for both the GSPCA and MUG. We are pleased to report that Clinton achieved his goal and raised a fantastic total of £950 which has been shared between the two charities.
This Friday 21st June 2013 20 students from Blanchelande College are helping at the GSPCA in lots of ways as part of their Service to the Community Day.
The students will be running a coffee morning and bric-a-brac sale between 10am and 3pm at the Shelter and will even have a lovely selection of cakes on sale.
Nearly 2 months to the day since the grey seal pups Jethou Bumblebee and Hanois were released by the GSPCA back into local waters and a month since they were last spotted we are pleased to announce that the residents of Jethou spotted them once again back in the bay where they were released yesterday afternoon.
The Christmas Lottery this year is helping save lives.
Thanks to a grant from the Christmas Lottery the GSPCA have been able to purchase an additional 5 Intensive Care Units.
June is always a busy month for the GSPCA as we are inundated with young animals and birds.
Currently the GSPCA has many young birds, baby hedgehogs, kittens, baby bunnies, new born degus, not to mention many sick and injured animals and birds.
The team at the GSPCA were overjoyed to be one of the many worthy causes to receive a grant to help purchase additional Intensive Care Units.
The GSPCA and RSPB in Guernsey want you and your dog to enjoy your walk but we are appealing to owners to take care when you are out walking.
Spring and early Summer is the main season when your dog needs to be properly controlled to protect young farm animals and ground-nesting birds.
Ground nesting birds during the bird breeding season, which is usually April to July is a time when we are asking you to keep your dog under close control or on a short lead in areas where they may be nesting.
Felix has now been at the GSPCA Animal Shelter since October 2011 and we want to start the New Year finding her that forever home.
She came in as a feral and unfortunately is still very nervous so would best suit a farm or stable yard home. At only 3 years of age she does get on well with other cats and we are asking for your help.
Even if you can't offer her a home if you could download a poster and display it or even spread the word of her needing a home from talking to friends to sharing on social networks such as facebook and twitter we would really appreciate it.