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The GSPCA would like to extend a huge thanks to Condor Ferries this #GSPCAPurpleWeek for their support in funding to help us with housing while we carry out our BIG BUILD.
Through its Community Fund, Condor has helped fund the housing about to be used to house the many hedgehogs and wild animals in our care as w need to knock down the old facilities to make way for a much needed new Wildlife Hospital as well as other facilities.
Steve Byrne, the GSPCA Manager and all the GSPCA team are hugely grateful.
It is amazing the ways supporters of the GSPCA raise funds to help the 1000’s of animals that come through our care every year.
Just before lockdown we had an amazing donation from Carla Munday who had been selling goods through facebook to help raise the much needed funds to help run the GSPCA.
We asked Carla to tell us all about it and here is what she said -
“In 2019 I attended one of your volunteer induction evening. I then attended the cattery on a couple occasions to help with feeding and cleaning there pens out.
The GSPCA would like to say a huge thank you to both Sure Community Foundation and Helen Holmes for their amazing donations of iphones to help ensure we have operational lines for our 24/7 service.
We have been running our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal since the start of the crisis, but there are always key pieces of equipment that we require to ensure we can operate and having recently had an issue with one of our emergency phones which failed we launched an appeal for a new iphone and cannot thank the Sure Community Foundation and Helen Holmes who donated a handset each.
Once again the GSPCA would like to say a huge thank you to NGIT
NGIT have been hugely supportive for many years to the GSPCA from providing equipment to advice, training to support and we cannot thank them enough for all they do and especially to Matthew Hale who regularly gives up his own time to update systems and fit new equipment.
Its not all about helping animals here at the GSPCA as recently we helped home 100’s of geranium all thank to the Old Government House Hotel and GFF Gardens.
GFF Gardens help the OGH with their gardening and recently had an excess of flowers and both thought of our grounds here at the GSPCA.
We cannot thank them enough as they have brought a huge amount of colour to the site and as with all flowers help many insects and especially the many bees we see around our wonderful site.
Earlier this month Les Beaucamps High School during their Animal Magic Activities Week had a wonderful students which held a cake sale to raise funds for the GSPCA.
From all the team we are hugely grateful for the amazing £68 they raised which will help the 100’s of animals in our care.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “A huge thanks to the students from Les Beaucamps High School who raised an amazing £68 during their Animal Magic Activities Week by having a cake sale.”
On Wednesday 3rd April Worshipful Master Steve Martin from St Martins' Lodge No.4142 at the Masonic Centre in St Martins met Steve Byrne from the GSPCA with a wonderful donation.
On the 2nd March St Martins' Lodge No.4142 held a Ladies Night fundraiser and all had a fabulous time at Les Cotils where it was held.
The proceeds raised for the GSPCA was a fantastic £500 which was presented when they met and from all the team and animals at the GSPCA we want to say a huge thanks to all involved and supported the Ladies Night.
The GSPCA would like to say a huge thank you to the Petplan Charitable Trust.
As a result of our recent Urgent Kennel Appeal the Petplan Charitable Trust have donated £5,000 to this must needed and urgent work.
Over the last two months much needed work on the kennel floors has taken place, but this uncovered major drain and structural issues.
Our kennels which were built in 2005 had a vinyl flooring put down which had sadly got to a point recently where new flooring was desperately needed which has been taking place since mid May.
Recently Carrie O'Regan from Island FM popped into the GSPCA with a wonderful donation.
Island FM along with Regency Bedding, Cherry Godfrey and DWA Flooring have helped with some major events this year and not only helped promote them they also helped raise additional funds.
Regency Bedding with Island FM helped organise and run the Easter Eggstravaganze at Rue Mainguy in April and DWA Flooring with Island FM helped with the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday in May. At both events Island FM brought along the Cherry Godfrey Cash Shower.
On Saturday a Craft Stash sale was organised at Iris and Dora in St Martins.
This wonderful event was run by a group of fantastic supporters to raise funds to help the GSPCA and Sarnia Guinea Pig Rescue.
Christine Guerin one of the organisors said "Well, that's our sale all done and dusted."
"What a great day we had - a big THANK YOU to everyone who came along to buy, everyone who donated items to sell and all the helpers who gave up their time."
"A big thank you also to Denyse McGahy and Paul at Iris & Dora for lending us the space."