Submitted by Steve on 08:51, 14th Feb, 2017 | 0

From all the GSPCA we wish a Happy Valentines to one and all and did you know we share this day of love as the GSPCA celebrates 144 years helping animals in Guernsey and we need your help.

The GSPCA was founded on the 14th February 1873 and we are asking for your support to help the 24/7 work we carry out here at the GSPCA.

Not only do we care for around 350 animals a day at the Shelter we have many essential projects we need to achieve and many animals to care for.

With so many animals in our care at any time and a Shelter where we have been based since 1929, each day raising the much needed funds to care for the animals and maintaining the buildings and grounds is a daily challenge.

All this week we are running GSPCA Purple Week and today on the 14th February we celebrate our 144 years since being founded.  With over 3000 animals through our doors every year the GSPCA is kept busy 24/7 365 days a year helping the animals and community of Guernsey, not to mention many more that we help daily in the ambulance and investigating cruelty, the education talks to courses we run and much more.

We launched GSPCA Purple Week with a wish list of some of the major projects we would love to achieve in the coming years. With a running cost of over £1600+ a day to care for the hundreds of animals at the Shelter we are always looking for support to achieve their care, the rescue of those we help 24/7 and to maintain and care for the Shelter in St Andrews.  We have a 10 year redevelopment plan at the GSPCA to ensure we care for the buildings and look to the future for the generations of animals and the community to come.

The BIGGEST ever achievement of the Shelter has been our new multi-purpose animal welfare building which has been a huge success and an amazing resource for the animals and population of Guernsey.  With 14 other buildings on site, 42 kennels, isolation facilities, wildlife units, ponds, aviaries and much more we have a wonderful Animal Shelter that requires looking after and caring for.

To look to the future the next focus are the following projects which help ensure we care for these fantastic facilities where animal lives are saved and cared for 24/7  -

  1. New kennel floors and repairs to the 7 kennel buildings/sections - £31,000 (approximately £5000 to £7000 per section)
  2. Renewing two buildings roofs totaling £30,000
  3. Treating the outer section of the first floor to our kennel and training building and repairs - £10,000
  4. New floors, hot water unit and repairs to our wildlife unit - £8000
  5. New laundry facilities and re-siting one current industrial machine - £9,000
  6. New crusher/compactor facility and waste management - £5000
  7. Fitting out, electrics, services and putting a floor in our charity shop and improve disabled access including the toilet facilities - £4500
  8. Repairs and refurbishing our wildlife/hospital area - £3000
  9. Flooring and fitting out our bird room - £2000
  10. Additional Intensive Care Units & Improvements to the Hedgehog Pens - £5800

These are the 10 main projects we have our focus on at the GSPCA although there are many other projects including full rebuilds we would love to achieve in the coming years.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We want to wish all a Happy Valentines from the team and animals on what is a very special day as we share the 14th February, the day of love with the day the GSPCA was found 144 years ago."

"We would love to hear from anyone that would like to support us with any of these projects and to achieve any of them for our anniversary would be a dream come true.”

“The 20 staff and 600+ volunteers at the GSPCA work around the clock 365 days a year supporting families and the community while caring for thousands of animals every year.”

“Without our team and the wonderful facilities we couldn’t achieve so much and for 144 years it is the community of Guernsey that have helped ensure that we can prevent cruelty and promote kindness to animals every day in our long history.”

“We have to look to the future constantly to ensure that the Shelter has the facilities needed to care for the thousands of animals through our doors every year and to start GSPCA Purple Week to celebrate our 144th year we are sharing our birthday dreams in the hope that someone may help them come true.”

“From the 25 puppies we helped just over a year ago to Olivia the loggerhead turtle, the lion cubs to stray penguins are history is rich with helping countless animals over nearly a century and a half.”

“If anyone would like to support us in anyway no matter how large or small we would love to hear from you.”

Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said “For over 20 years I have worked at the GSPCA and every day we see a new challenge and we are constantly trying to maintain and improve the buildings the animals are cared in.”

“We all have our own homes and places of work and know it can be challenging maintaining and decorating them and at the GSPCA our buildings are scrubbed daily meaning they constantly need improvements.”

“From Sami the seal pup in our wildlife unit to Sunny the dog in need of a home they all need specific enclosures and caring for 24/7.”

Sarah Ozanne Animal Care Assistant said “It’s amazing that the GSPCA has been helping animals for 144 years this month and we really appreciate all the support we receive every day to help do so much.”

“We really want to improve many areas and buildings of the GSPCA and it would be so wonderful if there were those that could help us for the GSPCA anniversary Purple Week.”

To find out more about our Wishes and projects or how you can support them you can email [email protected] or call 01481 257261

You can see many other wishes by visiting our web page –

For many of our smaller wishes and items used daily you can see these on our Amazon Wish List -

Another way to help the animals directly in our care is by sponsoring an animal pen or kennel and to become an Angel Pen Pal sponsor download this form and return it to the GSPCA to help us help animals every month -

For a business to become a corporate Angel Pen Pal we would love to hear from you, please download this form and return it to the team here at the GSPCA -

We also work very closely with St Andrews Floral Group who are helping us improve our grounds and the local natural environment for wildlife and if you are interested in supporting our conservation work please visit -

To sign up for the GSPCA suppoters newsletter please visit -

To find out more about GSPCA Purple Week please visit -

To donate to the many animals in our care please visit

Click here to donate to the GSPCA

The GSPCA are very proud to announce that we have been awarded the Guernsey Community Foundation Charity of the Year.

There are so many amazing organisations, groups and individuals and to recognise these there are a number of upcoming awards. Could you nominate the GSPCA, one of our team or another worthy individual or cause? Please visit the links below

Nominating a group for The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, please visit -

Could you write us a review on the Best of Guernsey who run awards each year, if you could please visit -

To donate via to help animals at the GSPCA please click here GSPCA Guernsey Charity donation donating

TURTLE APPEAL - Help fly Olivia the loggerhead turtle from Guernsey to Gran Canaria



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If you find a sick our injured wild animal please call 257261 or click here for advice.

Bonnie The Seal from karldorfner on Vimeo.

To see all of our events, links and fund raisers please click here

If you are looking to adopt an animal and to complete an adoption form please click here. 

If you would like to fund raise or help the GSPCA please contact the GSPCA on 01481 257261 or email [email protected]

To complete our local Guernsey microchip survey -

Create your own user feedback survey

To see all of our events, links and fund raisers please click here

Looking for pet insurance in Guernsey? Check out the GSPCA pet insurance with Rossborough

Posted by GSPCA on Tuesday, 30 June 2015

To find out about our Build Partner programme please click here

GSPCA Build Partner programme at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in Guernsey - could your business support the GSPCA and animals in Guernsey - CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility -

To find out how to volunteer for the GSPCA please click here

Volunteering at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in Guernsey

To find out about guided tours at the GSPCA please click here

GSPCA Animal Shelter Guided tours in Guernsey

Have you got a GSPCA Hoody, Polo Shirt, Sweat Shirt or T-shirt? If not get yours by clicking here.

To find out about our Events, how to become a Member, Sponsor an Animal Pen, our Wish List, Corporate Sponsorship & Volunteering, , our New Build & Redevelopment Appeal and much more please click here.

There are many ways to support the work of the GSPCA and you can even donate online by clicking the paypal link below.

Donate with JustGiving and PayPal

By post cheques payable to 'GSPCA' - GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD

Or by phone 01481 257261.

To find out more regarding our Angel Sponsorship Scheme please click here.

Have you liked us on facebook yet or joined us on twitter?

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Here is the latest from the GSPCA Twitter feed -

To see a page full of items on our GSPCA Wish List please click here. GSPCA Guernsey Charity donation donating

To donate online to help the GSPCA please visit - Share

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