Family Carboot Sale at Specsavers Car Park 2-4pm Sunday 21st July with Insurance Corporation

Submitted by GSPCA on 09:44, 26th Jun, 2013 | 0

On Sunday the 21st July between 2 and 4pm staff from the Insurance Corporation are running a Family Carboot Sale at Specsavers Car Park to raise funds for the GSPCA and the many animals at the Shelter.

The day will run with an animal theme and there will be plenty to do and see.

Sellers are asked to arrive from 1pm and it is £5 per car.

On the day there will be mini donuts, cakes, animal balloons, face painting and a fancy dress competition (that's humans dressed as animals).


La Société Guernesiaise - Tuesday July 9th, 7.30pm - Frossard Theatre - “Simply Bees” “It’s Not Easy Being Green."

Submitted by GSPCA on 09:18, 26th Jun, 2013 | 0

La Société Guernesiaise - Tuesday July 9th, 7.30pm in the Frossard Theatre,  Candie - “Simply Bees”  by Brigit Strawbridge of TV series “It’s Not Easy Being Green."

Brigit will be covering the difference between honeybees, solitary bees and bumblebees, their life-cycles and different roles as pollinators, the reasons for their decline and what we can do to help.

The talk is free to Société members and £5 to non-members.


Warning from the GSPCA – Animals and Glass

Submitted by GSPCA on 15:53, 25th Jun, 2013 | 0

The GSPCA is asking to please be mindful of broken glass after a number of cats have been reported to be injured.

Although it is not clear of the exact location of where the incidents occurred, the GSPCA are asking land owners to please ensure that broken glass is disposed safely to help wildlife and other animals.

Vets often see animals injured by glass and during the Spring and Summer months more animals are out and about and therefore at risk.

The two most recent cats reported both needed stitches but thankfully are now back to health.


Thank you to the students of Blanchelande College for helping at the Shelter last Friday

Submitted by GSPCA on 12:19, 25th Jun, 2013 | 0

Last Friday as part of their Service to the Community Day 22 students and 2 teachers from Blanchelande College spent the day at the GSPCA Animal Shelter.

From running a Coffee Morning to Cake Sale, Bric-a-brac Sale to walking dogs, cleaning out the seal room to washing out pools, and not to mention a very important job.......Blanchelande College students helping at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in Guernsey
