Extremely sad news as Dakota the seal pup passes away

Submitted by Steve on 11:05, 7th Dec, 2020 | 0

Last night the GSPCA team were devastated as Dakota the grey seal pup passed away.

Found emaciated and with a number of ailments Dakota had been receiving treatment and around the clock care.

Despite making it through the first night Dakota passed away late last night.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are extremely saddened to have to let everyone know that Dakota the grey seal pup passed away last night.”


Dakota the Guernsey seal pup rescued near the Fairy Ring

Submitted by Steve on 16:19, 6th Dec, 2020 | 0

Yesterday the GSPCA were called to a sighting of a grey seal pup.

GSPCA team member Sarah Langlois was the first on the scene to a thin, poorly grey seal pup at only a few weeks of age.

She immediately called Geoff George Head of Marine Mammals at the GSPCA who confirmed the pup was emaciated and in need of emergency care.

The pup was transported by the GSPCA Animal Ambulance yesterday afternoon from Pleinmont to the GSPCA seal facility in St Andrews where he has been receiving around the clock care and has been named Dakota.


Joey the Jersey seal pup update after 2 weeks of care at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 16:18, 27th Nov, 2020 | 0

Two weeks ago British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) Jersey rescued a poorly seal pup spotted on Les Écréhous.

Joey at a very thin 18kgs was cared for over night at New Era Vets before being transported to Guernsey.

To donate to his care please visit https://giving.gg/donate/event/5876/GSPCA-Coronavirus-Emergency-Appeal

Geoff George Head of Marine Mammals at the GSPCA said “Joey continues to improve and we are caring for him around the clock.”


Joey the Jersey seal pup loses his white coat and doing well after his first week

Submitted by Steve on 12:18, 18th Nov, 2020 | 0

Last week British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) Jersey rescued a poorly seal pup spotted on Les Écréhous.

Joey at a very thin 18kgs was cared for over night at New Era Vets before being transported to Guernsey.

To donate to his care please visit https://giving.gg/donate/event/5876/GSPCA-Coronavirus-Emergency-Appeal

Geoff George Head of Marine Mammals at the GSPCA said “Joey was extremely thin when he arrived but remains very feisty which is a good sign.”


GSPCA Advice - With stormy weather keep an eye out for seal pups in need

Submitted by Steve on 14:34, 1st Oct, 2020 | 0

Every Autumn the shores of the Bailiwick see Grey Seal pups being born and the GSPCA are issuing advice today on what to do especially with the rough weather that is due.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “With the stormy weather due and seal pup season upon us around our shores the GSPCA are asking islanders to be vigilant when around the coast.”


Sightings of Andrew the seal pup around Herm – safety warning please respect his space and do not approach him

Submitted by Steve on 10:37, 11th Jul, 2020 | 0

Yesterday the GSPCA enjoyed an incredible day releasing Andrew the seal pup from jersey and Pebbles who was rescued in Guernsey.

You can see the full story by going to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/magical-day-pebbles-and-andrew-two-seal-pups-back-wild

Andrew was seen several times between Belvoir Bay and Shell Beach in Herm and the GSPCA are urging the public not to approach or touch him.


A magical day as Pebbles and Andrew two seal pups back in the wild

Submitted by Steve on 14:35, 10th Jul, 2020 | 0

Today a magical moment took place as Andrew the Jersey grey seal pup and Pebbles the Guernsey grey seal pup were returned back to the wild.

Andrew who was a tiny white coat when found in Jersey and rescued by the JSPCA and British Divers Marine Mammal Medics in November 2018 was one of the youngest and smallest pups ever to come into our care at the GSPCA. Last year Andrews progress was incredibly slow and we really worried if he would ever be fit and well enough to be released to the wild and due to his slow progress he is the longest ever seal resident to be in our care.


Seal Pups Pebbles and Andrew soon to be in the wild please donate to their final farewell meal

Submitted by Steve on 22:23, 9th Jul, 2020 | 0

Pebbles who was rescued in Guernsey 5 months ago and Andrew the Jersey seal pup who is our longest ever seal in rehab at an incredible 19 months are both ready for their release to the wild.

All being well with weather conditions in the next 24 hours, both Andrew and Pebbles will be released back into the wild after an incredible amount of hard work by the team at the GSPCA and especially Geoff George Head of Marine Mammals.


States advice of increasing your social bubble to 2 happens for Andrew and Pebbles the GSPCA seal pups

Submitted by Steve on 23:04, 5th May, 2020 | 0

Today at the GSPCA for the first time Pebble the Guernsey seal pup rescued earlier this year and Andrew from Jersey who came in November 2018 got to meet.

The States of Guernsey last week issued advice that two households could come together and here at the GSPCA Andrew and Pebble are now able to share their pools, expanding their social bubbles.


HAPPY NEWS – Andrew doing well and soon to have a new friend

Submitted by Steve on 11:33, 10th Apr, 2020 | 0

We are pleased to say that Andrew the Jersey grey seal pup rescued over a year ago is nearly ready for the wild but we have one last step to go.

We are hoping when Pebbles the seal pup is ready to introduce them both so they can be released together.

Sadly due to the Coronavirus restrictions it is highly unlikely that we will be able to take a boat to Jersey to release Andrew where he was from with the social distancing rules in both islands.
