Who could you vote in The Community Awards 2014? We would love your support - A celebration of community spirit

Submitted by Steve on 13:59, 2nd Sep, 2014 | 0

The Community Awards were established and hosted by the Guernsey Community Foundation, The Community Awards is the only awards programme in Guernsey that formally applauds the voluntary sector.

The awards celebrate the local charities, organisations, groups, individuals and businesses who work tirelessly to raise money and embark on community projects for the benefit of others, across the bailiwick and further afield.


Dazfest 2014 - Saturday 22nd February 2014 - Tickets on sale

Submitted by GSPCA on 17:19, 20th Feb, 2014 | 0

In April 2014 Daz Carre will be running the Marathon Des Sables, a 155 mile run through the Sahara Desert which takes place in 100 degree temperatures. This is pretty extreme.

He'll be doing this for the Specsavers Children's Charity and the GSPCA and The Tav has decided to help him out in his fund raising efforts by throwing a party for him - after all, we might not see him again!

Animal Themed Car Boot run by Insurance Corporation for the GSPCA at Specsavers a fantastic success

Submitted by GSPCA on 16:11, 24th Jul, 2013 | 0

The GSPCA are overwhelmed by the success of this weekends Car Boot Sale that was organised and run by the staff at Insurance Corporation.

The team from Insurance Corporation decided that as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility they would like to help organise an event and raise funds for a cause close their hearts.


Good Luck to Nouska the Husky who is having his operation today

Submitted by GSPCA on 07:53, 10th Jul, 2013 | 0

This morning we are wishing Nouska the Husky the best of luck with his operation to remove a cancerous lump.

Nouska who has a lump in his chest is off to the vets today to have it removed.

We are so thankful to everyone that has donated towards him.

All the team at the GSPCA will be thinking of him today and we are all hopeful for a successful operation.



Thanks to everyone who has donated to Nouska's operation so far which is happening this Wednesday

Submitted by GSPCA on 16:48, 8th Jul, 2013 | 0

We would like to thank everyone that has donated towards Nouska the Husky's operation so far.

Nouskas is going for his operation on Wednesday and we are all keeping our fingers crossed for this lovely lad.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'We are so grateful to everyone that has donated towards Nouska's operation.'

'It is estimated that it will cost over £1000 with everything and we can announce that since last Wednesday the full estimated amount has been raised and thank everyone for their support.'


Nouska needs your help - A husky needs an operation to remove a cancerous lump

Submitted by GSPCA on 12:10, 3rd Jul, 2013 | 0

Nouska is an older husky that has found his way to the GSPCA Animal Shelter and it has developed that he has a cancerous growth in his chest.

To help save Nouska and lengthen his life next Wednesday he is having an operation to remove the lump.

With any operation there is both a risk and a cost but the vets and the team at the GSPCA feel that despite Nouska being over 10 years old he has a lot of life and love to give.


Lucky stray Budgie survives a Bird of Prey attack. Have you lost your Budgie?

Submitted by GSPCA on 12:52, 2nd Jul, 2013 | 0

Last Thursday 'Tomcat' as he's been named had a very close escape.

Having escaped from his home Tomcat was spotted after being dropped by a Bird of Prey who nearly had him as a meal.

Fortunately the lucky Budgie that was found at Ronez Quarry was rushed to the GSPCA and is recovering well.

Tomcat is under treatment in an intensive care unit and we are appealing for the owner to come back.

Tomcat is a male Opaline Spangle Light Blue adult Budgerigar and if you have lost yours please get in touch on 01481 257261 or pop in to the Shelter in St Andrews.


Businesses supporting the GSPCA - Thank you to BDO Limited

Submitted by GSPCA on 10:40, 2nd Jul, 2013 | 0

The GSPCA would like to officially thank BDO Limited for their Charitable Trust donation which has enabled us to erect additional aviaries that will assist in the rehabilitation and release of the many sick, injured and orphaned birds that arrive at the Animal Shelter every month.


Roy Cochrane Presents "Guernsey Changes" a colour slide and chat show at Les Cotils Saturday 20th July

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:39, 1st Jul, 2013 | 0

On Saturday the 20th July 2013 Roy Cochrane Presents "Guernsey Changes".

A Colour Slide and Chat Show at Les Cotils

Tickets are £6.50 each and include afternoon tea.

There is a raffle on the day and proceeds from the day will be donated to the GSPCA.

The talk starts at 2.30pm and those going are asked to arrive at 2pm.

To book your tickets please call Roy on 01481 722772 or mobile 07781446205.


WEA and the GSPCA team up for the first time to run a course called 'An Introduction to Animal Care and Welfare'

Submitted by GSPCA on 09:53, 1st Jul, 2013 | 0

This September for the first time WEA is teaming-up with the GSPCA to provide a comprehensive course that not only provides essential information for pet care but tackles the wider issues of wild animal welfare in Guernsey.

The course subjects include:
