Cleopatra, Peej and Hector the grey seal pups back in the wild

Submitted by Steve on 12:39, 18th Aug, 2023 | 0


The GSPCA today carried out the fourth seal pup release of 2023.

To donate to the care of the seals and our work please visit -

Geoff George Head of Marine Mammals said “Today we released the last 3 grey seal pups in our care namely Peej, Cleopatra and Hector.”


Henny and Echo the grey seal pups back in the wild

Submitted by Steve on 22:16, 18th Jun, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA today carried out the third seal pup release of 2023.

To donate to the care of the seals and our work please visit -

Geoff George Head of Marine Mammals said “Today we released grey seal pups Henny and Echo.”


Peej the Pleinmont Grey Seal Pup rescued on Saturday now safe at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 22:42, 26th Apr, 2023 | 0

Friday night GSPCA Volunteer Ambulance Warden had a call of a seal pup on the slip way in Pleinmont.

To donate to the care of the seals and our work please visit -

Suzy Rose GSPCA Volunteer Ambulance Warden said “We had a call on the GSPCA Emergency helpline from a member of public concerned abouts a young seal pup on Friday night.”


After the high winds please look out for injured wildlife and update on Shakespeare the Jersey seal pup

Submitted by Steve on 00:01, 19th Nov, 2022 | 0

Often during the winter months with the high winds and stormy weather makes it difficult for wild animals and birds to feed and rest.

After the stormy weather the GSPCA are asking those that live around and visit our coast to please watch out for injured animals in need as well as seal pups which can get separated from their mothers at this time of year especially when we see bad weather.

We have a number of web pages with wildlife advice or you can call 01481 257261 for help 24/7


Maverick the first seal pup rescue of 2022 rescued at Les Pecquiries

Submitted by Steve on 12:21, 5th Apr, 2022 | 0

This week the GSPCA team were made aware of a very poorly thin seal pup along the Guernsey coast.

Head of Marine Mammals Geoff George did get very close to the pup yesterday but it manged to get away.

This morning we had another call and thanfully Geoff managed to contain the grey seal pup who is now back in intensive care at the GSPCA, separate to the other 6 seals in our care.


Elisa the poorly grey seal pup arrives at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:26, 17th Nov, 2021 | 0

In the early hours of this morning the GSPCA Head of Marine Mammals Geoff George was out collecting from the harbour the second grey seal pup of the season needing our help.


UPDATE Aurore the Jersey seal pup sheds his white coat

Submitted by Steve on 22:45, 11th Nov, 2021 | 0

Aurore was rescued in Jersey on the 23rd October by British Divers Marine Life Rescue after the poorly pup was reported to the JSPCA who passed on the details to the specialist rescue team.


GSPCA rescue seal pup at Perelle – ideas for names and please donate to their care

Submitted by Steve on 13:17, 11th Mar, 2021 | 0

This morning the GSPCA were called out to attend what was reported to be a poorly seal pup at Perelle.

The team were dispatched to find an approximately 12 week old grey seal pup.

Only a little under weight the main concerns was it being lethargic and very chesty.

The pup was collected by Head of Marine Mammals GSPCA Geoff George and is now safely at the GSPCA.


Joey the poorly Jersey seal pup now at the GSPCA thanks to BDMLR Jersey and New Era Vets

Submitted by Steve on 12:18, 10th Nov, 2020 | 0

During the early hours of this morning Joey the Jersey grey seal pup was transported thanks to the paper boat to Guernsey where he was greeted by Head of Marine Mammals Geoff George.

Rescued by the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) Jersey after reports of a poorly seal pup spotted on Les Écréhous.

Joey at a very thin 18kgs was cared for over night at New Era Vets and transported to Guernsey in the early hours of this morning.


HAPPY NEWS – Andrew doing well and soon to have a new friend

Submitted by Steve on 11:33, 10th Apr, 2020 | 0

We are pleased to say that Andrew the Jersey grey seal pup rescued over a year ago is nearly ready for the wild but we have one last step to go.

We are hoping when Pebbles the seal pup is ready to introduce them both so they can be released together.

Sadly due to the Coronavirus restrictions it is highly unlikely that we will be able to take a boat to Jersey to release Andrew where he was from with the social distancing rules in both islands.
