Update on Andrew the Jersey seal pup at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 15:50, 13th Nov, 2018 | 0

Last week Andrew the Jersey Grey Seal Pup was rescued and transported to the GSPCA.

At only 17kgs and less than a week old this very pretty young seal pup should have still been with his mum and not in the emaciated condition as he was found.

Andrew has a very bad chest infection and desperately underweight and has been receiving care around the clock day and night.


White Coat Jersey Grey Seal Pup arrives at the GSPCA and Appeal for blankets and towels

Submitted by Steve on 15:48, 8th Nov, 2018 | 0

This lunch time the youngest grey seal pup to arrive at the GSPCA in many years arrived from Jersey.

Andrew as the pup has been named still has his white fluffy coat which is lost at 14 days of age, making him around 7-12 days old and at only 17kg he is painfully thin.

New marine mammal medic Martine Venton-Heys who helped with the rescue in Jersey yesterday accompanied Andrew who is being shown around the GSPCA while she waits for her flight back to Jersey thanks to Blue Island who helped provide the transport needed.


Temperance the grey seal pup back in the wild on Jethou on a very sunny day & dolphin spotting

Submitted by Steve on 13:09, 5th Jul, 2018 | 0

Today Temperance the grey seal pup was released back to the wild.

When he was found he was the thinnest ever seal pups to be rescued by the GSPCA found at Beaucette back in November.

Temperance has taken many months to build the strength and weight needed for release and today was his big day.

The team prepared Temperance this morning ready for his transportation to Albert Pier where we met the team from Rib Voyages and members of the press.


Iris the most unseasonal grey seal pup arrives at the GSPCA after being rescued by BDMLR in Jersey

Submitted by Steve on 10:11, 14th Jun, 2018 | 0

With only a matter of weeks before Temperance the seal pup is planned to be released the GSPCA received a seal pup from Jersey in the early hours of this morning.

‘Iris’ as the grey seal pup has been named, was rescued yesterday in Jersey which is completely out of season to when grey seals are born and are rescued.


Urgent Fresh Fish Appeal for Temperance the Seal Pup who is near for release

Submitted by Steve on 10:52, 8th Jun, 2018 | 0

With only a matter of weeks before Temperance the seal pup being released we are in desperate need of fresh fish to fatten him up.

His ideal fish is mackerel or herring and it has to be human quality for his health.

Temperance is eating 20-30 fish a day and we are currently struggling to find suppliers with enough in stock.

If you haven't got any fish you can still help by donating to - www.justgiving.com/fundraising/jerseyandguernseysealpups


Please help support Temperance the seal pup in his final weeks of rehab

Submitted by Steve on 22:08, 23rd May, 2018 | 0

We are overjoyed to report that Temperance is doing exceptionally well and potentially after another few weeks of care will be returned back to the wild.

The injured and very poorly grey seal pup was rescued at Beaucette Marina last November has approximately tripled his weight and has turned into the fastest swimming seal we have ever had so is now in the last stage of his rehabilitation.

Temperance was the thinnest grey seal pup to be rescued by the GSPCA and it has been a long road in his care to get him fit enough to get him to where he is today.


Channel Island seal pups still under intensive care at the GSPCA - see here to donate to their care

Submitted by Steve on 17:54, 1st Dec, 2017 | 0

For nearly two weeks Trevor and Temperance the Channel Island seal pups have been at the GSPCA.

Both pups are still in intensive care and receiving around the clock treatment and feeds.

Trevor at only 11.5kg from Jersey and Temperance the Guernsey seal pup rescued from Beaucette Marina at only 11kg are in an adjoining enclosure and both are currently cared for at the intensive care seal unit in the GSPCA wildlife building.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Both pups continue on rehydration fluid feed and are under heat lamps and intensive care at the GSPCA.”


Jersey and Guernsey seal pups cared for together for the first time - please donate to their care

Submitted by Steve on 18:12, 21st Nov, 2017 | 0

Today a grey seal pup rescued in Jersey on Sunday at just 11.5kg has just arrived at the GSPCA in Guernsey.

Trevor as the 2 week old pup has been named has joined Temperance of a similar age at the GSPCA seal unit in Guernsey.

Both pups are around a quarter the weight they should weigh and both very weak so are in intensive care at the GSPCA.

The Jersey pup was rescued by the local branch of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue and was discovered severely underweight at L’Etacq.


Grey Seal Pup rescued today at Beaucette Marina called Temperance the thinnest we have seen at 11kgs - donate to her care here

Submitted by Steve on 13:49, 20th Nov, 2017 | 0

This morning the GSPCA team were called out to rescue a dehydrated, thin, young seal pup from Beaucette Marina.

'Temperance' ' as the grey seal pup of just two weeks has been called is the thinnest grey seal pup on record to be rescued by the GSPCA in Guernsey.

Spotted on the headland, GSPCA Ambulance Driver and Marine Mammal Carer Geoff George attended to the scene after a call from a member of public.

With no mother in site and the poor condition of the young animal Temperance was rescued and has just arrived at the GSPCA.


The GSPCA are devastated to report that Rocco the grey seal pup sadly passes away

Submitted by Steve on 08:00, 22nd Jun, 2017 | 0

This morning the GSPCA have been devastated to find that Rocco the Jersey grey seal pup who was rescued on Sunday by the BDMLR team, arrived in Guernsey on Tuesday and has been under the care of the team and the vets passed away in the early hours of this morning.

Rocco was rescued the same afternoon that Sami the Jersey seal pup was released back in her home waters.

This is the first ever grey seal pup the GSPCA has had rescued and come into care in the middle of the summer which is extremely unseasonal and never been seen before.
