Poppy the grey seal pup growing stronger each day - can you help donate to her care at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 17:53, 16th Nov, 2016 | 0

On Monday a 2 to 3 day old grey seal pup with no mum in site was rescued in Alderney.

Poppy as she has been called is responding well to treatment and has made it through her second night at the GSPCA.

Already there are signs of her losing her white coat and we continue to do all we can to ensure she survives.

Yesterday John Knight local vet and GSPCA President popped in to check her over and was pleased with her progress and condition.


Huge thank you to Bethany our official photographer for Bonnie the seal pups release on Jethou

Submitted by Steve on 12:01, 3rd Jul, 2016 | 0

A week back Friday a young lady from the Youth Commission North Youth Centre joined the GSPCA team on the Bumblebee boat to Jethou to release Bonnie the grey seal pup.

Bethany became a very lucky lady after the winner of a competition to join the release was unable to come and he donated it to a young deserving person.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager contacted the Youth Commission to see who they thought would benefit from this once in a life time opportunity and they asked Bethany to join the team.


After months of care Bonnie the Grey Seal Pup in Guernsey is now back in the wild - released in Jethou, thanks to all involved

Submitted by Steve on 00:04, 25th Jun, 2016 | 0

Today while many have been talking about #Brexit the GSPCA have had a busy morning preparing and releasing Bonnie the seal pup back to the wild.

Bonnie who was the thinnest seal pup the GSPCA had ever rescued has taken from January until today to build her weight, health and strength to be set free into the wild.


UPDATE - Bonnie the seal pup nearly double her rescue weight

Submitted by Steve on 17:59, 23rd Mar, 2016 | 0

Nearly two months on and Bonnie the injured seal pup who was found close to death certainly isn't as skinny any more.

Bonnie since the GSPCA rescued her from the base of a cliff on the south coast towards the end of January despite an early struggle to get weight on her has now nearly doubled her size.

At just 14kgs when she was carried off the beach and up a steep cliff was extremely weak and emaciated. Today she was weighed and totals just short of 26kgs which the team at the GSPCA are overwhelmed with joy in her progress.


VIDEO - Bonnie the seal pup enjoying her lunch at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 22:50, 18th Mar, 2016 | 0

Bonnie the seal pup today certainly seemed to be enjoying her lunch in the spring time sunshine.

Bonnie continues to put on weight and although now has access to two pools seems to enjoy the smaller of the two which was the first she was introduced too.

To see the latest blog on Bonnie please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/update-bonnie-seal-pup-checks-her-room-upgrade-gspca

Here is her video from this lunch time -


UPDATE - Bonnie the seal pup checks her room upgrade at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 23:53, 16th Mar, 2016 | 0

Bonnie the grey seal pup at the GSPCA continues to make good progress and today she received a room upgrade at the GSPCA.

Having been slowly introduced to a small pool in the wildlife unit at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews she now has a choice of two.

Both pools have viewing through reflective glass to minimise her contact and even a feeding tube to help reduce her interaction with people.

Bonnie is still more than 15kg in weight away from being released but the team are pleased with her rehabilitation to date.


UPDATE - Bonnie the grey seal pup at the GSPCA - Tuesday 8th March 2016

Submitted by Steve on 16:04, 8th Mar, 2016 | 0

We are pleased to update that Bonnie the grey seal pup rescued over a month ago on the South coast of Guernsey continues to improve despite having a recent worm burden.

Bonnie was off her fish for a couple of days but is now back to her old appetite eating kilo's of fish every day.

It is not unusual for seals to be subject to worms and whilst in captivity it is easily resolved.


Bonnie the seal pup takes her first dip at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 12:30, 23rd Feb, 2016 | 0

Today we are pleased to announce that Bonnie the grey seal pup took her first dip in one of our rehabilitation pools.

Bonnie who was rescued close to death last month has been improving daily at the GSPCA and with her weight gaining and health improving the team decided to let her experience her first trip outside since she was rescued.

Geoff George GSPCA Animal Collection Officer and main seal carer said "It's been over a month since we rescued Bonnie the grey seal pup and she has been doing better than we could have hoped."


Update on Bonnie the seal pup - could you donate towards her care

Submitted by Steve on 23:45, 17th Feb, 2016 | 0

We are pleased to update that Bonnie the grey seal pup rescued below the cliffs on the south coast of Guernsey last month continues to improve.

Since being rescued at only 14kg in weight she has responded well to treatment and is putting weight on daily enjoying large numbers of fresh fish.

We are hoping in the next few days she will be ready to go out into the pools to start the next stage of her rehabilitation.
